How To Plant Hot Pepper Seeds

This is how to plant hot pepper seeds.

Planting pepper seeds may seem like a daunting task, but have no fear as we are here to help! There are many ways to plant your hot pepper seeds, but we are going to be focusing on the method that has worked well for us.

To start your pepper seeds, you should have the following:

Germinating Pepper Seeds is extremely easy. Just follow this guide and you'll be on your way to hot pepper plants in no time!


STEP ONE: Open Your Rapid Rooters

This is a Rapid Rooter seedling plug. It is made out of composted tree bark and is LIGHTLY fortified with General Hydroponics micro-nutrients so seeds can start strong and stay strong.


STEP TWO: Load Up Your Seedling Dome

We will begin by loading our 72-cell seedling greenhouse with sixteen rapid rooters. After putting rapid rooters into the seedling dome, you will want about a half gallon of water in the bottom tray to ensure your rapid rooters stay moist.

STEP THREE: Place Seeds Over Holes

We will continue by placing one seed on each hole of the rapid rooter. Having two might not be a bad idea if your seeds are older or in questionable condition

STEP FOUR: Push Seeds In

You will want something stiff to push down the seeds into the rapid rooter. They only need to be covered and not pushed the whole way down. After you push all your seeds in, you're done! All you need to do from here is put the 72-cell Seedling Greenhouse onto it's heat mat and plug it in! Please note, if you live in a hot climate, you might not need the heat mat.  Your seeds should germinate within 1-3 weeks depending on the type. Jalapeno Types usually take less time than a Habanero or Ghost Pepper Type. Some hot pepper seeds take over a month to germinate! 

Want to know more? Go to our guide on Chile Pepper Plant Care